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  • T5057
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.026Jul1729Mar3Aug31Jul86Mar27Feb2514Oct30Sep1011Aug18Jul28May2713Feb25JanMerge branch 'T5137' into '8.0'8.08.0[T5137][MOD] modify name_search method.Merge branch 'T5057' into '8.0'[T5057] remove vat from commercial_fields.T5057T5057[ADD] Filter library on account.invoice[MOD] Orden descendente partner_id.picking_ids[FIX] ir.model.access.csv[MIG] ModelosMigracion basica a v8[FIX] channel_id ->[FIX] res_partner_canal no existe mas en v6.1 ni en v7Bug fixed, faltaba el context en un onchange.Migracion Odoo8. Correciones varias.Bug fixed en dependencias7.07.0Migracion a v7Modificacion para mover el campo document_type[refs #476 | Closed] Nuevos campos en la actualizacion masiva.[refs #488 | Closed] Agregar adv orders al history clientes.[MOD][refs #492] Ordenar empresas por id.Commit inicial del modulo plot_partner