From 91d1f4d5b507f8387127c7e152974c434d920364 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastian Kennedy <>
Date: Mon, 1 Apr 2019 17:59:31 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] [MOD] comment

 models/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/models/ b/models/
index 9138f4d..fdc38f2 100644
--- a/models/
+++ b/models/
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
                 invoice_synchronized = self.synchronize_liquidation(
                     ws,, number_to_synchro)
-                # If invoice synchronized is THIS invoice
+                # If invoice synchronized is not THIS invoice
                 # re validate THIS inv
                 if invoice_synchronized != inv:
                     invoice_to_validate = inv

From 586f2afcb66fccbe3a6b8be207581db3e06d91aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastian Kennedy <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 08:57:30 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] [MOD] Adapt code to module

 models/                  | 1 +
 models/                      | 1 +
 views/account_invoice_view.xml             | 3 ++-
 wizard/ | 2 ++
 4 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/models/ b/models/
index 9138f4d..8bdb606 100644
--- a/models/
+++ b/models/
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
             if not inv.date_invoice:
                     'date_invoice': fields.Date.context_today(self),
+                    'real_date_invoice': fields.Date.context_today(self),
         return True
diff --git a/models/ b/models/
index 1170d1f..a8d0599 100644
--- a/models/
+++ b/models/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 from openerp import _, api, exceptions, fields, models
 from openerp.exceptions import except_orm
+# TODO: Use ruca on SlaughteringEstablishment from rafalim_cattle_ranch
 class ResCompany(models.Model):
     _inherit = ''
diff --git a/views/account_invoice_view.xml b/views/account_invoice_view.xml
index 98acc06..c77bfd8 100644
--- a/views/account_invoice_view.xml
+++ b/views/account_invoice_view.xml
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@
                                 <field name="is_lsp" invisible="1"/>
-                                <field name="date_invoice" on_change="onchange_payment_term_date_invoice(payment_term, date_invoice)" />
+                                <field name="date_invoice" string="Registration Date" on_change="onchange_payment_term_date_invoice(payment_term, date_invoice)" />
+                                <field name="real_date_invoice"/>
                                 <field name="date_due"/>
                                 <field name="pos_ar_id" attrs="{'required': True}"/>
                                 <field name="cae" string="CAI"/>
diff --git a/wizard/ b/wizard/
index a4e1f90..8f30e17 100644
--- a/wizard/
+++ b/wizard/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class PurchaseDataPerformanceWizardd(models.TransientModel):
             fiscal_position = fiscal_position_model.browse(
             invoice_vals['denomination_id'] =
+            invoice_vals['date_invoice'] = invoice_vals['real_date_invoice']
         res['is_lsp'] = is_lsp
         return res
@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ class PurchaseDataPerformanceWizard(models.TransientModel):
             fiscal_position = fiscal_position_model.browse(
             invoice_vals['denomination_id'] =
+            invoice_vals['date_invoice'] = invoice_vals['real_date_invoice']
         res['is_lsp'] = is_lsp
         return res

From 157b1306dad3ed06d501d666fd9883fadeecacc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: gbertolani <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2019 12:04:33 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] [ADD]Send mail - autoliquidation

---                 |   1 +
 data/mail_template_data.xml    |  73 ++++++
 i18n/es_AR.po                  | 409 +++++++++++++++++++++------------
 models/      |  63 ++++-
 views/account_invoice_view.xml |   8 +
 5 files changed, 401 insertions(+), 153 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 data/mail_template_data.xml

diff --git a/ b/
index c71a8a4..e3ebeb3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
     "data": [
+        "data/mail_template_data.xml",
diff --git a/data/mail_template_data.xml b/data/mail_template_data.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9c4419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/mail_template_data.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+    <data noupdate="1">
+        <!--Email template -->
+        <record id="mail_autoliquidation_template" model="email.template">
+            <field name="name">WSLSP Autoliquidation - Send by Email</field>
+            <field name="email_from">${( or or 'noreply@localhost')|safe}</field>
+            <field name="subject">
+                No Reply - Autoliquidation (Ref ${reference})
+            </field>
+            <field name="partner_to">${}</field>
+            <field name="model_id" ref="account.model_account_invoice"/>
+            <field name="auto_delete" eval="True"/>
+            <field name="lang">${object.partner_id.lang}</field>
+            <field name="body_html"><![CDATA[
+<div style="font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; ">
+    <p>Hello ${},</p>
+    <p>A new autoliquidation is available for you: </p>
+    <p style="border-left: 1px solid #8e0000; margin-left: 30px;">
+       &nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>REFERENCES</strong><br />
+       &nbsp;&nbsp;number: <strong>${object.internal_number}</strong><br />
+        &nbsp;&nbsp;Amount Total: <strong>${object.amount_total} ${}</strong><br />
+       &nbsp;&nbsp;${doc_type} date: ${object.date_invoice}<br />
+       % if object.origin:
+       &nbsp;&nbsp;Order reference: ${object.origin}<br />
+       % endif
+    </p>
+    <br/>
+    <p>If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.</p>
+    <p>Thank you for choosing ${ or 'us'}!</p>
+    <br/>
+    <br/>
+    <div style="width: 375px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: #8E0000; border-top-left-radius: 5px 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px 5px; background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;">
+        <h3 style="margin: 0px; padding: 2px 14px; font-size: 12px; color: #DDD;">
+            <strong style="text-transform:uppercase;">${}</strong></h3>
+    </div>
+    <div style="width: 347px; margin: 0px; padding: 5px 14px; line-height: 16px; background-color: #F2F2F2;">
+        <span style="color: #222; margin-bottom: 5px; display: block; ">
+        % if object.company_id.street:
+            ${object.company_id.street}<br/>
+        % endif
+        % if object.company_id.street2:
+            ${object.company_id.street2}<br/>
+        % endif
+        % if or
+            ${} ${}<br/>
+        % endif
+        % if object.company_id.country_id:
+            ${object.company_id.state_id and ('%s, ' % or ''} ${ or ''}<br/>
+        % endif
+        </span>
+        % if
+            <div style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; ">
+                Phone:&nbsp; ${}
+            </div>
+        % endif
+        % if
+            <div>
+                Web :&nbsp;<a href="${}">${}</a>
+            </div>
+        %endif
+        <p></p>
+    </div>
+    <p><strong>Reply to</strong></p>
+            ]]></field>
+        </record>
+    </data>
diff --git a/i18n/es_AR.po b/i18n/es_AR.po
index 6ed9438..ce1c5e8 100644
--- a/i18n/es_AR.po
+++ b/i18n/es_AR.po
@@ -17,19 +17,149 @@ msgstr ""
 "Last-Translator: \n"
 "Language: es_419\n"
+#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
+#: model:email.template,subject:l10n_ar_wslsp.mail_autoliquidation_template
+msgid "\n"
+"                No Reply - Autoliquidation (Ref ${reference})\n"
+"            "
+msgstr "\n"
+"                No Responder - Autoliquidación (Ref ${reference})\n"
+"            "
+#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
+#: model:email.template,body_html:l10n_ar_wslsp.mail_autoliquidation_template
+msgid "\n"
+"<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
+"    <p>Hello ${},</p>\n"
+"    <p>A new autoliquidation is available for you: </p>\n"
+"    <p style=\"border-left: 1px solid #8e0000; margin-left: 30px;\">\n"
+"       &nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>REFERENCES</strong><br />\n"
+"       &nbsp;&nbsp;number: <strong>${object.internal_number}</strong><br />\n"
+"        &nbsp;&nbsp;Amount Total: <strong>${object.amount_total} ${}</strong><br />\n"
+"       &nbsp;&nbsp;${doc_type} date: ${object.date_invoice}<br />\n"
+"       % if object.origin:\n"
+"       &nbsp;&nbsp;Order reference: ${object.origin}<br />\n"
+"       % endif\n"
+"    </p>\n"
+"    <br/>\n"
+"    <p>If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.</p>\n"
+"    <p>Thank you for choosing ${ or 'us'}!</p>\n"
+"    <br/>\n"
+"    <br/>\n"
+"    <div style=\"width: 375px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: #8E0000; border-top-left-radius: 5px 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px 5px; background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;\">\n"
+"        <h3 style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 2px 14px; font-size: 12px; color: #DDD;\">\n"
+"            <strong style=\"text-transform:uppercase;\">${}</strong></h3>\n"
+"    </div>\n"
+"    <div style=\"width: 347px; margin: 0px; padding: 5px 14px; line-height: 16px; background-color: #F2F2F2;\">\n"
+"        <span style=\"color: #222; margin-bottom: 5px; display: block; \">\n"
+"        % if object.company_id.street:\n"
+"            ${object.company_id.street}<br/>\n"
+"        % endif\n"
+"        % if object.company_id.street2:\n"
+"            ${object.company_id.street2}<br/>\n"
+"        % endif\n"
+"        % if or\n"
+"            ${} ${}<br/>\n"
+"        % endif\n"
+"        % if object.company_id.country_id:\n"
+"            ${object.company_id.state_id and ('%s, ' % or ''} ${ or ''}<br/>\n"
+"        % endif\n"
+"        </span>\n"
+"        % if\n"
+"            <div style=\"margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; \">\n"
+"                Phone:&nbsp; ${}\n"
+"            </div>\n"
+"        % endif\n"
+"        % if\n"
+"            <div>\n"
+"                Web :&nbsp;<a href=\"${}\">${}</a>\n"
+"            </div>\n"
+"        %endif\n"
+"        <p></p>\n"
+"    </div>\n"
+"    <p><strong>Reply to</strong></p>\n"
+"            "
+msgstr "\n"
+"<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
+"    <p>Hola ${},</p>\n"
+"    <p>Una nueva autoliquidación está disponible para usted: </p>\n"
+"    <p style=\"border-left: 1px solid #8e0000; margin-left: 30px;\">\n"
+"       &nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>REFERENCIAS</strong><br />\n"
+"       &nbsp;&nbsp;Número: <strong>${object.internal_number}</strong><br />\n"
+"        &nbsp;&nbsp;Monto Total: <strong>${object.amount_total} ${}</strong><br />\n"
+"       &nbsp;&nbsp;${doc_type} Fecha: ${object.date_invoice}<br />\n"
+"       % if object.origin:\n"
+"       &nbsp;&nbsp;Orden de Referencia: ${object.origin}<br />\n"
+"       % endif\n"
+"    </p>\n"
+"    <br/>\n"
+"    <p>Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros.</p>\n"
+"    <p>Gracias por elegir ${ or 'us'}!</p>\n"
+"    <br/>\n"
+"    <br/>\n"
+"    <div style=\"width: 375px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: #8E0000; border-top-left-radius: 5px 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px 5px; background-repeat: repeat no-repeat;\">\n"
+"        <h3 style=\"margin: 0px; padding: 2px 14px; font-size: 12px; color: #DDD;\">\n"
+"            <strong style=\"text-transform:uppercase;\">${}</strong></h3>\n"
+"    </div>\n"
+"    <div style=\"width: 347px; margin: 0px; padding: 5px 14px; line-height: 16px; background-color: #F2F2F2;\">\n"
+"        <span style=\"color: #222; margin-bottom: 5px; display: block; \">\n"
+"        % if object.company_id.street:\n"
+"            ${object.company_id.street}<br/>\n"
+"        % endif\n"
+"        % if object.company_id.street2:\n"
+"            ${object.company_id.street2}<br/>\n"
+"        % endif\n"
+"        % if or\n"
+"            ${} ${}<br/>\n"
+"        % endif\n"
+"        % if object.company_id.country_id:\n"
+"            ${object.company_id.state_id and ('%s, ' % or ''} ${ or ''}<br/>\n"
+"        % endif\n"
+"        </span>\n"
+"        % if\n"
+"            <div style=\"margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; \">\n"
+"                Telefono:&nbsp; ${}\n"
+"            </div>\n"
+"        % endif\n"
+"        % if\n"
+"            <div>\n"
+"                Web :&nbsp;<a href=\"${}\">${}</a>\n"
+"            </div>\n"
+"        %endif\n"
+"        <p></p>\n"
+"    </div>\n"
+"    <p><strong>Responder a</strong></p>\n"
+"            "
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: view:account.invoice:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_invoice_wslsp_purchase_data_form
 msgid "(update)"
 msgstr "(actualizar)"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
+#: field:ranch.commision.config,afip_code_id:0
 #: field:ranch.expenses.type,afip_code_id:0
 #: field:ranch.species,afip_code_id:0
 msgid "AFIP code"
 msgstr "Código AFIP"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+msgid "Active"
+msgstr "Active"
+#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Activity Date is greater than today"
 msgstr "La fecha de inicio de actividad es mayor que la fecha de hoy"
@@ -42,10 +172,10 @@ msgstr "Kilo Vivo"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: view:account.invoice:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_invoice_wslsp_purchase_data_form
 msgid "Amounts"
-msgstr "Montos"
+msgstr "Cantidades"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "An unexpected error has occurred!! \n"
@@ -72,8 +202,6 @@ msgstr "Autorizar liquidacion a la AFIP"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 msgid "Billing Type"
 msgstr "Tipo de Facturación"
@@ -115,7 +243,12 @@ msgid "Cattle"
 msgstr "Vacuno"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: help:account.invoice,disable_perceptions:0
+msgid "Check this if you want to disable automatic calculation of perceptions on this invoice"
+msgstr "Check this if you want to disable automatic calculation of perceptions on this invoice"
+#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Chore Date is less than Receipt Date"
 msgstr "La fecha de faena es menor que la fecha de recepción"
@@ -126,6 +259,7 @@ msgid "Client Invoice"
 msgstr "Factura de Cliente"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
+#: field:ranch.commision.config,code:0
@@ -140,13 +274,19 @@ msgstr "Factura de Cliente"
 msgid "Code"
 msgstr "Código"
+#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Commision %s does not have configured afip code"
+msgstr "Comisión %s no tiene configurado un código AFIP"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: model:ir.model,name:l10n_ar_wslsp.model_res_company
 msgid "Companies"
 msgstr "Compañías"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Company Error!"
 msgstr "Error de la compañía!"
@@ -215,18 +355,13 @@ msgstr "Cuit"
 msgid "Cuts"
 msgstr "Cortes"
-#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: field:account.invoice,dte:0
-msgid "DTE"
-msgstr "DTE"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 msgid "Denomination"
 msgstr "Denominación"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Denomination not set in invoice"
 msgstr "La Denominacion no establecida en factura"
@@ -246,6 +381,11 @@ msgstr "La Denominacion no establecida en factura"
 msgid "Desc"
 msgstr "Descripción"
+#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
+#: field:account.invoice,disable_perceptions:0
+msgid "Disable perceptions"
+msgstr "Deshabilitar Percepciones"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
@@ -283,14 +423,14 @@ msgid "Email Thread"
 msgstr "Hilo de Mensajes"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error"
 msgstr "Error"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error [%s] \n"
 " Description: %s \n"
@@ -302,7 +442,7 @@ msgstr "Error [%s] \n"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error received was: \n"
 " %s"
@@ -310,26 +450,27 @@ msgstr "El error recibido fue: \n"
 " %s"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error when getting instance with key %s"
 msgstr "Error al obtener una instancia con key %s"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Error when validating the invoice. Please, see it and send the invoice again!"
 msgstr "Error al validar la factura. ¡Por favor, corrija los errores y envíe la factura nuevamente!"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wizard/
@@ -342,7 +483,7 @@ msgstr "Error!"
 #: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Expense %s does not have configured afip expense"
-msgstr "Expense %s does not have configured afip expense"
+msgstr "Gasto %s no tiene configurado un gasto de AFIP"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: view:wslsp.config:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_wslsp_config_form
@@ -350,11 +491,6 @@ msgstr "Expense %s does not have configured afip expense"
 msgid "Expenses"
 msgstr "Gastos"
-#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: field:account.invoice,guide:0
-msgid "Guide"
-msgstr "Guia"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: field:wslsp.config,homologation:0
 msgid "Homologation"
@@ -384,58 +520,58 @@ msgstr "Si es verdadero, habrá algunas validaciones que están deshabilitadas,
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: view:account.invoice:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_invoice_wslsp_purchase_data_form
 msgid "Information"
-msgstr "Information"
+msgstr "Información"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid Chore Date"
 msgstr "Fecha de faena inválida"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid DTE!"
 msgstr "DTE Inválido!"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid Invoice Date"
 msgstr "Fecha de Factura inválida"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid Operation Date"
 msgstr "Fecha de operación inválida"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid Query Data"
 msgstr "Datos de consulta inválidos"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid Receipt Date"
 msgstr "Fecha de Recepción inválida"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid Reception Date"
 msgstr "Fecha de Recepción Inválida"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
-msgid "Invalid Renspa!"
-msgstr "Renspa Inválido!"
+msgid "Invalid Renspa %s!"
+msgstr "Invalid Renspa %s!"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invalid start activity date"
 msgstr "Fecha de inicio de actividades inválida"
@@ -447,10 +583,10 @@ msgid "Invoice"
 msgstr "Factura"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invoice Date difference with today should be less than 10 days for product sales."
-msgstr "Invoice Date difference with today should be less than 10 days for product sales."
+msgstr "La diferencia entre la fecha de factura con la fecha de hoy debe ser menor a 10 días para la venta de productos."
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: model:ir.model,name:l10n_ar_wslsp.model_account_invoice_line
@@ -458,7 +594,7 @@ msgid "Invoice Line"
 msgstr "Línea de factura"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Invoice does not have a ranch purchase data associated"
 msgstr "Factura no tiene asociados datos de compra"
@@ -476,7 +612,7 @@ msgstr "Es directo?"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: field:account.invoice,is_lsp:0
 msgid "Is LSP"
-msgstr "Is LSP"
+msgstr "Es LSP"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: view:account.invoice:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_invoice_wslsp_purchase_data_form
@@ -532,7 +668,7 @@ msgid "Last Updated on"
 msgstr "Ultima actualizacion en"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Line Invoice [%s] does not have a ranch purchase data associated"
 msgstr "La factura de línea [%s] no tiene asociados los datos de compra"
@@ -611,23 +747,21 @@ msgid "Perceptions"
 msgstr "Percepciones"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Perceptions amount has to be negative because it is a liquidation."
 msgstr "Los montos de Percepción deben ser negativos porque es una Liquidación."
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 msgid "Performance"
 msgstr "Rendimiento"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Point of sale has not the same denomination as the invoice."
-msgstr "El punto de venta no tiene la misma denominación que la factura"
+msgstr "El punto de venta no tiene la misma denominación que la factura."
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: view:wslsp.config:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_wslsp_config_form
@@ -647,10 +781,10 @@ msgstr "Puntos de Venta"
 msgid "Pork"
-msgstr "Pork"
+msgstr "Porcino"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Pos not found for invoice `%s` (id: %s)"
 msgstr "Punto de Venta no encontrado para la factura `%s` (id: %s)"
@@ -714,15 +848,20 @@ msgid "Refund"
 msgstr "Reembolso"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: field:account.invoice,renspa:0
-msgid "Renspa"
-msgstr "Renspa"
+#: view:account.invoice:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_invoice_wslsp_purchase_data_form
+msgid "Registration Date"
+msgstr "Registration Date"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: view:account.invoice:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_invoice_wslsp_purchase_data_form
 msgid "Responsible"
 msgstr "Responsable"
+#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
+#: view:account.invoice:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_invoice_wslsp_purchase_data_form
+msgid "Send Mail"
+msgstr "Enviar Mail"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: view:account.invoice:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_invoice_wslsp_purchase_data_form
 msgid "Set to Draft"
@@ -750,10 +889,16 @@ msgstr "Factura de proveedor"
 msgid "Supported Perceptions"
 msgstr "Percepciones soportadas"
+#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "Synchronize process failed!"
+msgstr "El proceso de sincronización falló!"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: help:wslsp.config,cuit:0
 msgid "Tax Identification Number. Check the box if this contact is subjected to taxes. Used by the some of the legal statements."
-msgstr "Número de identificación de impuestos. Marque la casilla si este contacto está sujeto a impuestos. Usado por algunas de las declaraciones legales"
+msgstr "Número de identificación de impuestos. Marque la casilla si este contacto está sujeto a impuestos. Usado por algunas de las declaraciones legales."
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: field:wslsp.config,tax_ids:0
@@ -772,19 +917,19 @@ msgid "Taxes"
 msgstr "Impuestos"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "The Invoice Number should be the format XXXX-XXXXXXXX"
 msgstr "El número de factura debe ser el formato XXXX-XXXXXXXX"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "The invoice denomination does not corresponds with this fiscal position."
-msgstr "La denominación de la factura no corresponde a esta posición fiscal"
+msgstr "La denominación de la factura no corresponde a esta posición fiscal."
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "The next number in the system [%d] does not match the one obtained from AFIP WSLSP [%d]"
 msgstr "El siguiente número en el sistema es el [%d] pero no corresponde con el proximo numero para AFIP WSLSP [%d]"
@@ -792,41 +937,35 @@ msgstr "El siguiente número en el sistema es el [%d] pero no corresponde con el
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
-msgid "The wslsp does not have a configuration for the categories [%s]"
-msgstr "El wslsp no tiene una configuración para las categorías [%s]"
-#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#, python-format
 msgid "The wslsp does not have a configuration for the liquidation types [%s]"
 msgstr "El wslsp no tiene una configuracion para los tipos de liquidación [%s]"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
-msgid "The wslsp does not have a configuration for the motives [%s]"
-msgstr "El wslsp no tiene una configuracion para los motivos [%s]"
+msgid "The wslsp does not have a configuration for the motives to autoliquidation"
+msgstr "El wslsp no tiene una configuración para el motivo de autoliquidación"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "The wslsp does not have a configuration for the operations [%s]"
 msgstr "El wslsp no tiene una configuracion para las operaciones [%s]"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "The wslsp does not have a configuration for the tax [%s]"
 msgstr "El WSLSP no tiene una configuración para el impuesto [%s]"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "The wslsp does not have a configuration for the tribute with code [%s]"
 msgstr "El WSLSP no tiene una configuración para el tributo con el código [%s]"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "There are duplicated voucher types"
 msgstr "Hay tipos de voucher duplicados"
@@ -838,34 +977,26 @@ msgid "There are romaneos with different troop number"
 msgstr "Hay romaneos con diferentes números de tropa"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "There is another Invoice with a most recent date [%s] for the same Point of Sale and Denomination."
 msgstr "Hay otra Factura con una fecha más reciente [%s] para el mismo Punto de Venta y Denominación."
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: sql_constraint:ranch.expenses.type:0
 #: sql_constraint:ranch.species:0
 #, python-format
 msgid "There is another specie with same AFIP code"
 msgstr "Hay otra especie con el mismo código AFIP"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#, python-format
-msgid "There is no WSLSP configuration set to this company"
-msgstr "No hay configuración WSLSP establecida para esta compañía"
-#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "There is no company being used by this user"
 msgstr "No hay ninguna compañía siendo utilizada por este usuario"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "There is not configured voucher type with document[%s] Is Direct[%s] Denomination[%s]"
 msgstr "No hay un tipo de comprobante configurado con el documento [%s] Es directo [%s] Denominación [%s]"
@@ -886,7 +1017,7 @@ msgid "URL for WSLSP"
 msgstr "URL para WSLSP"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "VAT Number is same as your company so it cannot be informed to AFIP.Check Number of Point of Sale."
 msgstr "El CUIT es el mismo que su compañía y no puede ser informado a AFIP. Por favor, chequee el número del Punto de Venta."
@@ -897,7 +1028,7 @@ msgid "Validate"
 msgstr "Validar"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Voucher Date is less that Operation Date"
 msgstr "La Fecha del Comprobante es menor que la Fecha de Operación"
@@ -909,19 +1040,18 @@ msgid "Voucher Types"
 msgstr "Tipo de Comprobantes"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "WSFE Error!"
 msgstr "WSFE Error!"
@@ -929,12 +1059,12 @@ msgstr "WSFE Error!"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: view:account.invoice:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_invoice_wslsp_purchase_data_form
 msgid "WSFE Request Details"
-msgstr "WSLSP Detalles de Petición"
+msgstr "WSFE Detalles de Solicitud"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: view:account.invoice:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_invoice_wslsp_purchase_data_form
 msgid "WSFE Requests"
-msgstr "WSLSP Peticiones"
+msgstr "WSFE Peticiones"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:l10n_ar_wslsp.action_pork_wslsp_autoliquidation
@@ -968,12 +1098,11 @@ msgid "WSLSP Config"
 msgstr "WSLSP Configuración"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "WSLSP Config Error!"
 msgstr "WSLSP Error de Configuración!"
@@ -994,16 +1123,22 @@ msgid "WSLSP Cuts"
 msgstr "WSLSP Cortes"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#, python-format
+msgid "WSLSP Error"
+msgstr "WSLSP Error"
+#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "WSLSP Error!"
 msgstr "WSLSP Error!"
@@ -1019,7 +1154,7 @@ msgid "WSLSP Expenses Codes"
 msgstr "WSLSP Codigos de Gastos"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/wslsptools/
 #, python-format
 msgid "WSLSP Invoice Error"
 msgstr "WSLSP Error de Factura"
@@ -1085,7 +1220,7 @@ msgid "WSLSP Taxes"
 msgstr "WSLSP Impuestos"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "WSLSP Validation Error"
 msgstr "WSLSP Error de validación"
@@ -1101,37 +1236,31 @@ msgid "WSLSP Voucher Types"
 msgstr "WSLSP Tipos de voucher"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#, python-format
-msgid "Warning!"
-msgstr "Cuidado!"
-#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Wrong Number Sequence `%s` for invoice id: `%s`"
 msgstr "Secuencia de números incorrecta `%s` para factura id:`%s"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Wrong Number Sequence for invoice id: `%s`"
 msgstr "Secuencia de numeros incorrecta para la factura id: `%s`"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Wrong Number format for invoice id: `%s`"
 msgstr "Formato de numero incorrecto para la identificacion de la factura id: `%s`"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Wrong POS `%s` for invoice id: `%s`"
 msgstr "Error POS `%s` para la factura id: `%s`"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
+#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
 #, python-format
 msgid "Wrong POS for invoice id: `%s`"
 msgstr "Error POS para la factura id: `%s`"
@@ -1149,25 +1278,13 @@ msgstr "Error POS para la factura id: `%s`"
 msgid "Wslsp config id"
-msgstr "Wslsp configuración"
+msgstr "Wslsp configuracion id"
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: view:account.invoice:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_invoice_wslsp_purchase_data_form
-#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#, python-format
-msgid "You cannot send a pork autoliquidation to AFIP Prod"
-msgstr "No se puede enviar una autoliquidación de Porcinos a AFIP Producción"
-#. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
-#: code:addons/l10n_ar_wslsp/models/
-#, python-format
-msgid "You cannot cancel an Electronic livestock sector liquidation because it has been informed to AFIP."
-msgstr "No puede cancelar una liquidación electrónica del sector ganadero porque ha sido informada a la AFIP."
 #. module: l10n_ar_wslsp
 #: view:wslsp.config:l10n_ar_wslsp.view_wslsp_config_form
 msgid "⇒Get Breeds"
diff --git a/models/ b/models/
index 297b27a..a1b3f98 100644
--- a/models/
+++ b/models/
@@ -437,7 +437,8 @@ class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
         # Create and attach pdf invoice from AFIP
         pdf_data = invoice_vals.pop('pdf', False)
         if pdf_data:
-            invoice.attach_liquidation_report(pdf_data)
+            attachment = invoice.attach_liquidation_report(pdf_data)
+            self.send_autoliquidation_by_mail(attachment)
         # Add Vat Retention
@@ -459,6 +460,53 @@ class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
         return invoice
+    def _prepare_ctx_send_mail(self, template_id):
+        return {
+            'default_model': 'account.invoice',
+            'default_use_template': bool(template_id),
+            'default_template_id': template_id,
+            'default_composition_mode': 'comment',
+        }
+    @api.multi
+    def do_send_mail(self):
+        self.write({'sent': True})
+        template_id = self.env.ref(
+                'l10n_ar_wslsp.mail_autoliquidation_template').id
+        compose_form_id = self.env.ref('mail.email_compose_message_wizard_form').id
+        ctx = dict(self.env.context)
+        ctx.update(self._prepare_ctx_send_mail(template_id))
+        return {
+            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+            'view_type': 'form',
+            'view_mode': 'form',
+            'res_model': 'mail.compose.message',
+            'views': [(compose_form_id, 'form')],
+            'view_id': compose_form_id,
+            'target': 'new',
+            'context': str(ctx),
+        }
+    @api.multi
+    def send_autoliquidation_by_mail(self, attachment):
+        try:
+            mail_obj = self.env['mail.mail']
+            template = self.env.ref(
+                'l10n_ar_wslsp.mail_autoliquidation_template')
+            values = template.generate_email(,
+            values['recipient_ids'] = [
+                (4, pid) for pid in values.get('partner_ids', list())
+            ]
+            values['attachment_ids'] = [(6, 0, attachment.ids)]
+            mail = mail_obj.create(values)
+            mail.send()
+        except Exception as e:
+            return True
+        self.write({'sent': True})
+        return True
     def action_aut_cae(self):
         #res = super(AccountInvoice, self).action_aut_cae()
@@ -492,7 +540,8 @@ class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
                 # Create and attach pdf invoice from AFIP
                 pdf_data = invoice_vals.pop('pdf', False)
                 if pdf_data:
-                    inv.attach_liquidation_report(pdf_data)
+                    attachment = inv.attach_liquidation_report(pdf_data)
+                    self.send_autoliquidation_by_mail(attachment)
                 # Add Vat Retention
@@ -536,17 +585,17 @@ class AccountInvoice(models.Model):
         return True
+    @api.multi
     def attach_liquidation_report(self, pdf):
         #Decode PDF from base64
         #file_pdf = b64decode(pdf)
         data_attach = {
-			'name' : self.internal_number + '.pdf',
+			'name' : str(self.internal_number) + '.pdf',
 			'datas' : pdf,
-			'datas_fname' : self.internal_number + '.pdf',
+			'datas_fname' : str(self.internal_number) + '.pdf',
 			'res_model' : 'account.invoice',
 			'res_id' :
         #paso el regisruttro en el modelo attachment
-        self.env['ir.attachment'].create(data_attach)
-        return True
+        attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].create(data_attach)
+        return attachment
diff --git a/views/account_invoice_view.xml b/views/account_invoice_view.xml
index c77bfd8..44bba5b 100644
--- a/views/account_invoice_view.xml
+++ b/views/account_invoice_view.xml
@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <form string="Ranch Invoice">
+                        <button name="do_send_mail" string="Send Mail"
+                            type="object" attrs="{'invisible':['|',
+                                ('sent','=',True),
+                                ('state', '!=', 'open')
+                            ]}"
+                            class="oe_highlight"
+                            groups="l10n_ar_wslsp.group_ranch_autoliquidation_user"/>
                         <button name="invoice_open" states="draft,proforma2" string="Validate" class="oe_highlight"
                         <button name="%(account.action_account_invoice_refund)d" type='action' string='Refund'
@@ -35,6 +42,7 @@
                             <field name="denomination_id" class="oe_inline" required="1" attrs="{'readonly':[('state', '!=', 'draft')]}"/>
                             <field name="internal_number" class="oe_inline" placeholder="XXXX-XXXXXXXX" attrs="{'readonly':[('state', 'not in', ('draft', 'proforma', 'proforma2'))]}"/>
+                        <field name="sent" invisible="1"/>
                         <field name="type" invisible="1"/>