diff --git a/models/bank_exports_history.py b/models/bank_exports_history.py
index 79c3f181ab5d3bccdf8a37b51499b38abd73661c..0ab3fccd83f77cdcfc80879e413b3beb4874ab46 100644
--- a/models/bank_exports_history.py
+++ b/models/bank_exports_history.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ class BankExportsHistory(models.Model):
     impound_balance_line_ids = fields.Many2many('impound.balance.lines', string='Embargos')
     file_name = fields.Char(string='Nombre', default='rafaela.txt')
     exported_file = fields.Binary(string='Archivo')
+    exported_files = fields.Many2many(string="Archivos", comodel_name="ir.attachment")
     comments = fields.Char(string="Comentarios")
     export_type = fields.Selection([
         ("impound", "Embargos"),
diff --git a/views/bank_exports_history_views.xml b/views/bank_exports_history_views.xml
index 372f51cf3997a8cbdfb71759b45641d30b09c3fe..f6eba3985f43992ceedefa6cd71437f58665193d 100644
--- a/views/bank_exports_history_views.xml
+++ b/views/bank_exports_history_views.xml
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
                         <field name="impound_balance_line_ids" readonly="1" attrs="{'invisible': [('impound_balance_line_ids','=', [])]}"/>
                         <field name="file_name" invisible="1"/>
                         <field name="comments" readonly="1"/>
-                        <field widget="binary" height="64" name="exported_file" filename="file_name"/>
+                        <field name="exported_files" widget="many2many_binary" attrs="{'invisible': [('exported_file','!=', False)]}"/>
+                        <field name="exported_file" widget="binary" height="64" filename="file_name" attrs="{'invisible': [('exported_file','=', False)]}"/>
                         <field name="export_type" invisible="1"/>
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@
                 <field name="loan_ids"/>
                 <field name="impound_balance_line_ids"/>
                 <field name="file_name" invisible="1"/>
-                <field name="exported_file" filename="file_name"/>
+                <field name="exported_files" filename="file_name"/>
diff --git a/wizard/export_wizard.py b/wizard/export_wizard.py
index 9ae08be442e55f9eb20a36f2e49167f0831984b3..5d8face32d0b08a72003d2379af5e8c01623b3a9 100644
--- a/wizard/export_wizard.py
+++ b/wizard/export_wizard.py
@@ -152,6 +152,101 @@ class Export_wizard(models.TransientModel):
                 'impound_balance_line_ids': impound_domain,
+    # New methods for create multiple files
+    def create_file(self, formatter, to_export, bank_constants):
+        """
+        Create a file based on the specified formatter, export data, and bank constants.
+        Parameters:
+            - formatter (Formatter): The formatter object specifying the file format and configuration.
+            - to_export (list): The list of data to be exported in the file.
+            - bank_constants (dict): A dictionary containing constants and configuration specific to the bank.
+        Returns:
+            - file (File): The created file object.
+            - error_log (str): A string describing any error that occurred during file creation.
+            - id_log (list): A list of identifiers or logs related to the created file.
+        """
+        if formatter.file_name.endswith('.txt'):
+            return create_txt(formatter, to_export, bank_constants)
+        else:
+            return create_xlsx(formatter, to_export)
+    def create_attachment(self, file, exported_count, file_name):
+        """
+        Create and return an attachment object for the given file.
+        Parameters:
+            - file (bytes): The binary data of the file to be attached.
+            - exported_count (int): The count or index of the exported file.
+            - file_name (str): The base name of the file.
+        Returns:
+            - attachment (Recordset): The created attachment record.
+        """
+        fname = "%s_%s.txt" % (file_name, exported_count)
+        file_data = {
+            'name': fname,
+            'datas_fname': fname,
+            'datas': base64.b64encode(file),
+            'type': 'binary',
+        }
+        return self.env['ir.attachment'].create(file_data)
+    def generate_files(self, lines, bank_constants, export_type="payroll"):
+        """
+        Generate files for exporting payment data based on specified lines and bank constants.
+        Parameters:
+            - lines (list): A list of dictionaries containing payment information.
+            - bank_constants (dict): A dictionary containing constants and configuration specific to the bank.
+            - export_type (str): The type of export (default = "payroll").
+        Returns:
+            - files (list): A list of created attachment records ids.
+            - id_logs (list): A list of identifiers or logs related to the created files.
+        """
+        exported_sum, files_count= 0, 1
+        to_export, files, id_logs = {}, [], []
+        multi_file, bank_limit = self.validate_max_import(self.total_sum)
+        to_export[files_count] = []
+        for line in lines:
+            line_total = line["total_payment"]
+            if bank_limit > 0:
+                # Check if a payment exceeds the bank limit
+                if line_total > bank_limit:
+                    raise ValidationError(_("La nomina de %s [ID %s] supera el importe limite del banco.") % (line["name"], line["id"]))
+                # If payment doesnt fit on the cur file, add new file to the list
+                if (exported_sum + line_total) > bank_limit:
+                    exported_sum = 0
+                    files_count += 1
+            # Add line to "to_export" list and increment sum.
+            exported_sum += line["total_payment"]
+            if not to_export.get(files_count): to_export[files_count] = []
+            to_export[files_count].append(line)
+        # Loop through groups of lines creating files
+        for ind, export_group in to_export.items():
+            formatter = create_formatter(self.bank_id, export_type)
+            file, error_log, id_log = self.create_file(formatter, export_group, bank_constants)
+            id_logs += id_log
+            if error_log:
+                raise ValidationError(_(error_log))
+            if file:
+                new_attachment = self.create_attachment(file, ind, formatter.file_name.split(".")[0])
+                files.append(new_attachment)
+        file_ids = [file.id for file in files]
+        return file_ids, id_logs
     def export_loan(self, loan_ids):
         if not loan_ids:
             loan_ids = self.env['hr.employee.loans'].search([
@@ -171,14 +266,14 @@ class Export_wizard(models.TransientModel):
         # Check for max import limit
-        loans_sum = 0
+        self.total_sum = 0
         loan_records = []
         for loan in loan_ids:
             emp = loan.employee_id
             bank_data = emp.get_bank_data(self.bank_id.id, bank_code=self.bank_id.select_bank)
             total_payment = (float(loan.total_import) * float(bank_data['porcent'])) / 100
-            loans_sum += total_payment
+            self.total_sum += total_payment
             record = {
                 'id': loan.id,
                 'name': loan.employee_id.name,
@@ -207,39 +302,24 @@ class Export_wizard(models.TransientModel):
                 for cte in self.bank_id.constants_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.export_type != 'impound'):
                     bank_constants[cte.constant_order - 1] = cte.value
-        self.validate_max_import(loans_sum)
-        # exporting txt
-        formatter = create_formatter(self.bank_id, 'loan')
-        if formatter.file_name.endswith('.txt'):
-            f, error_log, id_log = create_txt(formatter, loan_records, bank_constants)
-        else:
-            f, error_log, id_log = create_xlsx(formatter, loan_records)
-        if error_log:
-            raise ValidationError(_(error_log))
-        if not error_log:
-            error_log = "Todas las nominas fueron añadidas satisfactoriamente."
+        # Generate files from function
+        file_ids, id_logs = self.generate_files(loan_records, bank_constants, "loan")
         # Filtering loans with missing fields.
         # Filtered loans ids
-        fp = [loan.id for loan in loan_ids if loan.id not in id_log]
-        loans = self.env['hr.employee.loans'].browse(fp)
+        loans = loan_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.id not in id_logs)
         # Saving into history
-        bank_export = self.env['bank.exports'].create(
-            {
-                'file_name': formatter.file_name,
-                'bank_id': self.bank_id.id,
-                'loan_ids': [(6,0, loans.ids)],
-                'exported_file': base64.b64encode(f),
-                'export_date': datetime.now(),
-                'comments': self.comments,
-                'export_type': 'loan'
-            }
-        )
+        bank_export = self.env['bank.exports'].create({
+            'file_name': "",
+            'bank_id': self.bank_id.id,
+            "exported_files": [(6,0, file_ids)],
+            'loan_ids': [(6,0, loans.ids)],
+            'export_date': datetime.now(),
+            'comments': self.comments,
+            'export_type': 'loan'
+        })
-        # Creating info message
-        # value = self.env['hr.status.exportation.message'].create({'text': error_log})
         return {
             'name': 'Exportacion bancaria',
             'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
@@ -268,7 +348,7 @@ class Export_wizard(models.TransientModel):
         # Check for max import limit
-        payslips_sum = 0
+        self.total_sum = 0
         payslip_records = []
@@ -286,7 +366,7 @@ class Export_wizard(models.TransientModel):
             total_payment = (float(payslip.total_payment) * float(bank_list[0]['porcent'])) / 100
-            payslips_sum += total_payment
+            self.total_sum += total_payment
             record = {
                 'id': payslip.id,
@@ -325,35 +405,24 @@ class Export_wizard(models.TransientModel):
             if payslip.total_paid >= payslip.total_payment:
                 payslip.write({'exported': True})
-        self.validate_max_import(payslips_sum)
-        # Exporting txt
-        formatter = create_formatter(self.bank_id, 'payroll')
-        if formatter.file_name.endswith('.txt'):
-            f, error_log, id_log = create_txt(formatter, payslip_records, bank_constants)
-        else:
-            f, error_log, id_log = create_xlsx(formatter, payslip_records)
-        if error_log:
-            raise ValidationError(_(error_log))
+        # Generate files from function
+        file_ids, id_logs = self.generate_files(payslip_records, bank_constants)
         # Filtering payslips with missing fields.
         # Filtered payslips ids
-        payslips = paylisp_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.id not in id_log)
-        #Saving into history
+        payslips = paylisp_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.id not in id_logs)
+        # Saving into history
         bank_export = self.env['bank.exports'].create({
-            'file_name': formatter.file_name,
+            'file_name': "",
             'bank_id': self.bank_id.id,
+            "exported_files": [(6,0, file_ids)],
             'payslip_ids': [(6,0, payslips.ids)],
-            'exported_file': base64.b64encode(f),
             'export_date': datetime.now(),
             'comments': self.comments,
             'export_type': 'payroll'
-        #Creating info message
-        # value = self.env['hr.status.exportation.message'].create({'text': error_log})
         return {
             'name': 'Exportacion bancaria',
             'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
@@ -386,12 +455,12 @@ class Export_wizard(models.TransientModel):
                 'target': 'new',
-        # Check for max import limit
-        self.validate_max_import(self.total_impounds_amount)
         impound_records = []
         impound_records_dict = {}
+        # Check for max import limit
+        self.total_sum = 0
         for impound_line in impound_balance_line_ids:
             bank_list = []
             employee = impound_line.impounds_id.employee
@@ -434,6 +503,7 @@ class Export_wizard(models.TransientModel):
                 impound_records_dict[record_key] = record
             impound_records = list(impound_records_dict.values())
+            self.total_sum += record["total_payment"]
             # # This step is made for making sure order of every constant
             bank_constants = [None for _ in range(25)]
@@ -455,25 +525,19 @@ class Export_wizard(models.TransientModel):
             if not impound_line.exported:
                 impound_line.write({'exported': True})
-        # Exporting txt
-        formatter = create_formatter(self.bank_id, 'impound')
-        if formatter.file_name.endswith('.txt'):
-            f, error_log, id_log = create_txt(formatter, impound_records, bank_constants)
-        else:
-            f, error_log, id_log = create_xlsx(formatter, impound_records)
-        if error_log:
-            raise ValidationError(_(error_log))
+        # Generate files from function
+        file_ids, id_logs = self.generate_files(impound_records, bank_constants, "impound")
         # Filtering payslips with missing fields.
         # Filtered impound_lines ids
-        impounds = impound_balance_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.id not in id_log)
+        impounds = impound_balance_line_ids.filtered(lambda x: x.id not in id_logs)
-        #Saving into history
+        # Saving into history
         bank_export = self.env['bank.exports'].create({
-            'file_name': formatter.file_name,
+            'file_name': "",
             'bank_id': self.bank_id.id,
-            'impound_balance_line_ids': [(6, 0, impounds.ids)],
-            'exported_file': base64.b64encode(f),
+            "exported_files": [(6,0, file_ids)],
+            'impound_balance_line_ids': [(6,0, impounds.ids)],
             'export_date': datetime.now(),
             'comments': self.comments,
             'export_type': 'impound'
@@ -497,7 +561,20 @@ class Export_wizard(models.TransientModel):
             return self.export_impound(self.impound_balance_line_ids)
     def validate_max_import(self, value_sum):
-        # Get max import value from bank's constants
-        max_import = next((i.value for i in self.bank_id.constants_ids if i.constant_order == 25), False)
-        if ( max_import and float_compare(value_sum, float(max_import), precision_digits=2) > 0 ):
-            raise UserError(_("Se ha superado el limite de importe para el banco seleccionado (Máximo {:.2f})".format(float(max_import))))
+        """
+        Validates if the given `value_sum` exceeds the maximum import value defined in the bank's constants.
+        Parameters:
+            - value_sum (float): The sum of values to be validated against the maximum import value.
+        Returns:
+        tuple:
+            1. A boolean indicating whether the `value_sum` exceeds the maximum import value.
+            2. The maximum import value obtained from the bank's constants.
+        Note:
+        The maximum import value is obtained by searching for the constant order 25, if not found then bank didnt have
+        maximum import limit.
+        """
+        max_import = next((i.value for i in self.bank_id.constants_ids if i.constant_order == 25), 0)
+        return ( max_import and float_compare(value_sum, float(max_import), precision_digits=2) > 0 ), int(max_import)