diff --git a/models/customer_purchase_order_config.py b/models/customer_purchase_order_config.py
index 71de2f4364b4960d326af7ef7499c3e4fc2dbe93..1a355604d3fd1afb251d2842fd1f64389b7b0dfa 100644
--- a/models/customer_purchase_order_config.py
+++ b/models/customer_purchase_order_config.py
@@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ class CustomerPurchaseOrderConfig(models.Model):
     _description = 'Customer Purchase Order Configuration'
     name = fields.Char()
-    partner = fields.Many2one(
-        'res.partner', on_delete='cascade', string='Company', required=True
-    )
+    partner = fields.Many2one('res.partner', on_delete='cascade', string='Company', required=True)
     product_type = fields.Many2one('product.type', string='Product Type')
     customer_po_config_line_ids = fields.One2many(
@@ -32,7 +30,9 @@ class CustomerPurchaseOrderConfig(models.Model):
     config_type = fields.Selection(
             ('boxes_based_on_units', 'Boxes Based on Units'),
+            ('boxes_in_kg', 'Boxes in Kg'),
             ('custom_uom', 'Custom UoM'),
+            ('gross_price_by_units', 'Gross Price by Units'),
             ('internal_code', 'Internal Code'),
             ('item_gross_price', 'Item Gross Price'),
             ('ordered_qty', 'Ordered Quantity'),
@@ -54,11 +54,12 @@ class CustomerPurchaseOrderConfig(models.Model):
         if self.config_type == 'boxes_based_on_units':
             msg = _('Box Quantity = Ordered Quantity / Units per Box')
+        elif self.config_type == 'boxes_in_kg':
+            msg = _('Box Quantity = Ordered Quantity / Box Kilograms')
         elif self.config_type == 'custom_uom':
-            msg = _(
-                'If file\'s product UoM is \'PZA: Box Quantity = Box Quantity '
-                '/ Units per Box.'
-            )
+            msg = _("If file's product UoM is 'PZA: Box Quantity = Box Quantity " '/ Units per Box.')
+        elif self.config_type == 'gross_price_by_units':
+            msg = _('Gross Price = Gross Price / Units per Box')
         elif self.config_type == 'item_gross_price':
             msg = _('Item Gross Price = Item Gross Price / Box Quantity')
         elif self.config_type == 'internal_code':
@@ -67,36 +68,28 @@ class CustomerPurchaseOrderConfig(models.Model):
                 'for the products so as to import them from the file.'
         elif self.config_type == 'maxipiece':
-            msg = _(
-                'If the product is a \'Maxipiece\': Box Quantity = Ordered '
-                'Quantity / Box Kilograms.'
-            )
+            msg = _("If the product is a 'Maxipiece': Box Quantity = Ordered " 'Quantity / Box Kilograms.')
         elif self.config_type == 'ordered_qty':
             msg = _(
-                'If product UoM is \'Kg\': Box Quantity = Ordered Quantity / '
+                "If product UoM is 'Kg': Box Quantity = Ordered Quantity / "
                 'Box Kilograms, else: Box Quantity = Ordered Quantity,'
         elif self.config_type == 'ordered_qty_for_kg':
-            msg = _(
-                'If product UoM is \'Kg\': Box Quantity = Ordered Quantity / '
-                'Box Kilograms.'
-            )
+            msg = _("If product UoM is 'Kg': Box Quantity = Ordered Quantity / " 'Box Kilograms.')
         elif self.config_type == 'product_uom':
             msg = _(
-                'If product UoM is \'Units\': Box Quantity = Box Quantity / '
-                'Units per Box. If product UoM is \'Kg\': Box Quantity = '
+                "If product UoM is 'Units': Box Quantity = Box Quantity / "
+                "Units per Box. If product UoM is 'Kg': Box Quantity = "
                 'Ordered Quantity / Box Kilograms.'
         elif self.config_type == 'units_as_boxes':
-            msg = _('If product UoM is \'Kg\': Box Quantity = Units per Box.')
+            msg = _("If product UoM is 'Kg': Box Quantity = Units per Box.")
         self.config_type_description = msg
     @api.constrains('customer_po_config_line_ids', 'partner')
     def _validate_product(self):
-        CustomerPurchaseOrderConfigLine = self.env[
-            'customer.purchase.order.config.line'
-        ]
+        CustomerPurchaseOrderConfigLine = self.env['customer.purchase.order.config.line']
         config_lines = CustomerPurchaseOrderConfigLine.search(
@@ -108,9 +101,7 @@ class CustomerPurchaseOrderConfig(models.Model):
-        product_internal_code_dups = (
-            self._get_dups_for_product_and_internal_code(config_lines)
-        )
+        product_internal_code_dups = self._get_dups_for_product_and_internal_code(config_lines)
         internal_code_dups = self._get_dups_for_internal_code(config_lines)
         msg = ''
@@ -138,14 +129,9 @@ class CustomerPurchaseOrderConfig(models.Model):
         ProductProduct = self.env['product.product']
         dups = {}
-        product_code_ids = [
-            (line.product.id, line.product_internal_code)
-            for line in config_lines
-        ]
-        product_code_dups = [
-            k for k, v in Counter(product_code_ids).items() if v > 1
-        ]
+        product_code_ids = [(line.product.id, line.product_internal_code) for line in config_lines]
+        product_code_dups = [k for k, v in Counter(product_code_ids).items() if v > 1]
         for dup in product_code_dups:
             _product = dup[0]
             internal_code = dup[1]
@@ -153,9 +139,9 @@ class CustomerPurchaseOrderConfig(models.Model):
             product = ProductProduct.search([('id', '=', _product)])
             product_name = '[%s] %s' % (product.default_code, product.name)
-            _config_name = config_lines.filtered(
-                lambda x: x.product_internal_code == internal_code
-            )[0].customer_purchase_order_config_id.name
+            _config_name = config_lines.filtered(lambda x: x.product_internal_code == internal_code)[
+                0
+            ].customer_purchase_order_config_id.name
             dups[int(product.default_code)] = _(
                 ' ~ Product %s with Internal Code %s has already been set in Purchase '
@@ -176,9 +162,7 @@ class CustomerPurchaseOrderConfig(models.Model):
             if line.product_internal_code not in codes.keys():
                 codes[line.product_internal_code] = []
-            codes[line.product_internal_code].append(
-                line.customer_purchase_order_config_id
-            )
+            codes[line.product_internal_code].append(line.customer_purchase_order_config_id)
         dup_codes = {}
         for k, v in codes.items():
@@ -187,8 +171,7 @@ class CustomerPurchaseOrderConfig(models.Model):
         for k, v in dup_codes.items():
             dups[k] = _(
-                ' ~ Internal Code %s has already been set in Purchase Order '
-                'Configuration %s.\n'
+                ' ~ Internal Code %s has already been set in Purchase Order ' 'Configuration %s.\n'
             ) % (
                 ', '.join([c for c in sorted([x.name for x in v])]),
@@ -220,15 +203,9 @@ class CustomerPurchaseOrderConfigLine(models.Model):
     _description = 'Customer Purchase Order Configuration Line'
     product = fields.Many2one('product.product', string='Product')
-    product_code = fields.Char(
-        related='product.default_code', string='Product Code'
-    )
-    product_ean13_code = fields.Char(
-        related='product.barcode', string='EAN13 Code', store=True
-    )
-    product_internal_code = fields.Char(
-        string='Purchase Order Product Code', required=True
-    )
+    product_code = fields.Char(related='product.default_code', string='Product Code')
+    product_ean13_code = fields.Char(related='product.barcode', string='EAN13 Code', store=True)
+    product_internal_code = fields.Char(string='Purchase Order Product Code', required=True)
     customer_purchase_order_config_id = fields.Many2one(
         string='Customer Purchase Order Configuration',
diff --git a/models/customer_purchase_order_importer.py b/models/customer_purchase_order_importer.py
index d7381375e5d0489c9e7304c996ec23252391224c..b0db07a42bb37a45e4e6594bcb8d7f679f2e4f57 100644
--- a/models/customer_purchase_order_importer.py
+++ b/models/customer_purchase_order_importer.py
@@ -236,33 +236,25 @@ class CustomerPurchaseOrderImporter(models.Model):
     def get_config_basic_vals(self, vals):
         return vals
-    def get_config_boxes_based_on_box_kg_vals(self, vals):
-        ProductProduct = self.env['product.product']
+    def get_config_boxes_based_on_units_vals(self, vals):
         for line in vals['pre_order_line_ids']:
             ordered_qty = line[2]['ordered_qty']['original']
-            box_kg = line[2]['box_kg']
-            if ordered_qty and box_kg and box_kg > 0:
-                line[2]['box_qty']['modified'] = int(ordered_qty / box_kg)
-            else:
-                product_id = line[2]['product_id']
-                product = ProductProduct.browse(product_id)
+            units_per_box = line[2]['units_per_box']['original']
-                if product:
-                    line[2]['errors'].append(
-                        _('~ Box Kilograms not set for product {}.\n').format(product.name)
-                    )
+            if ordered_qty and units_per_box and units_per_box > 0:
+                line[2]['box_qty']['modified'] = int(ordered_qty / units_per_box)
         return vals
-    def get_config_boxes_based_on_units_vals(self, vals):
+    def get_config_boxes_in_kg_vals(self, vals):
         for line in vals['pre_order_line_ids']:
+            box_kg = line[2]['box_kg']
             ordered_qty = line[2]['ordered_qty']['original']
-            units_per_box = line[2]['units_per_box']['original']
-            if ordered_qty and units_per_box and units_per_box > 0:
-                line[2]['box_qty']['modified'] = int(ordered_qty / units_per_box)
+            if ordered_qty and box_kg and box_kg > 0:
+                box_qty = ordered_qty / box_kg
+                line[2]['box_qty']['modified'] = int(box_qty) if box_qty >= 1 else 0
+                line[2]['ordered_qty']['modified'] = box_qty
         return vals
@@ -285,6 +277,16 @@ class CustomerPurchaseOrderImporter(models.Model):
         return vals
+    def get_config_gross_price_by_units_vals(self, vals):
+        for line in vals['pre_order_line_ids']:
+            units_per_box = line[2]['units_per_box']['original']
+            content = line[2]['content']
+            if units_per_box and content and content > 0:
+                line[2]['gross_price_unit']['modified'] /= content
+        return vals
     def get_config_internal_code(self, partner, product_type=False):
         _configs = self.get_config(partner)
         if not _configs: